UTI Control

How does Utiva UTI Control work?

Utiva guarantees 36 mg of Proanthocyanidins (PACs). PACs are the active molecules from cranberries that stop bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall, reducing the risk of infection. They work on a 24 hour cycle so it’s important for patients to take Utiva daily around the same time to result in natural flushing as the bacteria is eliminated via urine out of the bladder.

What is the PAC content in Utiva UTI Control vs. other brands?

Standard cranberry products have a minimal amount of active molecules, PACs, (usually 0.5-1%) and therefore the amount is typically not shared. Utiva provides a 15% concentration from 240 mg of cranberry fruit extract, resulting in 36 mg of soluble PACs per capsule measured by DMAC/A2. That’s 9x more PACs than most cranberry supplements and the clinically recommended dose to provide strong anti-adhesion capabilities.

Is Utiva UTI Control a treatment for UTIs?

Utiva UTI Control is recommended for prevention only.

What is the recommended dosage for Utiva UTI Control?

For prevention: 1 capsule daily around the same time
For trigger-associated or symptomatic: 2 capsules the day of and 2 capsules 24 hours later. It is safe to take 2 capsules a day for a few days if needed.

Utiva UTI Control can be taken with or without food.

How long until my patient sees benefits with Utiva UTI Control?

Utiva UTI Control can provide benefits almost immediately in terms of how the patient feels. For long term UTI prevention, we recommend taking Utiva daily to experience a reduction in UTIs. 96% of patients taking Utiva UTI Controls for 6+ months had a significant decrease in UTIs.

Are there any side effects or drug interaction with Utiva UTI Control?

There are no known side effects with Utiva UTI Control unless the patient is allergic to cranberries. Typically, cranberry products are known to have high levels of Vitamin K and Oxalates. These can interfere with blood thinners and aggravate kidney stones. We’ve removed the Vitamin K and only trace amounts of Oxalates exist.

Does my patient need to stop taking Utiva UTI Control while on antibiotics?

No. Utiva UTI control is safe to take while on antibiotics and can also help ensure PACs are in the patient’s system to naturally flush out bacteria in the bladder.

Is Utiva UTI Control safe for long term use?

Yes! Utiva UTI Control is safe for long term prevention. Most patients finding benefit are taking UTI Control daily and ongoing.

Is Utiva UTI Control safe while pregnant?

Utiva UTI Control is made of 100% natural cranberry and there is no studied risk for using cranberry products during pregnancy. Multiple clinical trials have been completed and if you’d like to know more, check out this Norwegian study that observed the effects of cranberries on 100,000 pregnancies. Utiva UTI Control is also approved by the SOGC for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

What are the ingredients in Utiva UTI Control?

Each capsule of Utiva UTI Control contains 240 mg of Urophenol™️ – Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) fruit extract providing 15% proanthocyanidins (PACs) = 36 mg PAC per DMAC/A2 method, Inactive Ingredients hypromellose, magnesium stearate, and rice flour.

Why does Utiva UTI Control cost more?

Unlike most cranberry products, Utiva UTI Control always discloses the amount of active molecules we have. In providing 36 mg of PACs (measured by DMAC/A2) from cranberries, Utiva UTI Control is a clinically proven option to help prevent UTIs. This will help reduce the need for antibiotics, which can have negative side effects, including antibiotic resistance.

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