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The Impact of Anemia in Women’s Health

September 27, 2024
Dr. Chandrew Rajakumar OBGYN

About speaker

Dr. Rajakumar completed a Doctorate in Medicine and residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Western Ontario. This was followed by a 2-yr fellowship through the AAGL in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery with a special focus on endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain as well as a fellowship in Simulation and Medical Education in the Department of Innovation in Medical Education, University of Ottawa.

Table of contents

  • The Impact of Anemia in Women’s Health Dr. Chandrew Rajakumar, OBGYN
  • The Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia Dr. Chandrew Rajakumar, OBGYN
  • Management of Iron Deficiency Anemia Dr. Suleiman Furmli, Primary Care…
  • Iron Deficiency Anemia: Clinical Considerations, Assessments, & Treatment Protocols Dr. Shona Imlah & Dr. Emily Pratt, Family Physician…
  • Patient Experience and its Impact on Care and Patient Outcomes Dr. Adam S. Holzberg, Urogynecologist